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The 1st spring pollen seminar
In the spring of 2018, a small group of Quaternary palynologists from Nanjing attended the seminar. 15 participants heard talks on palynological research from South Korea (by Bing Song), northeastern China (by Lydia Mackenzie) and a general introduction on collaborative research between China and Australia (by Limi Mao). Inspired by the cherry blossoms (mainly Prunus × yedoensis, P. serrulata, and some other varieties) lining the road between NIGPAS and Xuanwu Lake the seminar participants also enjoyed a walk to view the beautiful flowers after the seminar.
A small group of Quaternary palynologists from Nanjing attended the seminar
The seminar participants also enjoyed a walk to view the beautiful flowers
Lydia Mackenzie gave a talk
Bing Song gave a talk
The 2nd spring pollen seminar Mar 23 2019
The 3rd spring pollen seminar
(Online meeting, May 16, 2020)
A mini Chinese report of the 3rd SPS
English program for the 3rd SPS
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